It’s my first experience wild camping on this mountain in Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo). Although the mountain is not very high, the trip is exhausting, especially if you are carrying a heavy bagpack.
I never expected to come upon such a beautiful waterfall and river as I did in this place. It’s difficult to put into words how beautiful it is! It seems to be an untouched location.
The water is deep, clear, and very clean.
By the way, I was not alone. I was with a nephew. I have many nephews and most of them in their 20s.(at the time I write this in 2022)
Swimming In The Jungle
Upon arriving at the waterfall, I quickly jumped into the water. I did not dare to swim in the deepest area. I swam up to shoulder depth only.

I discovered crabs and little shrimp behind the rocks. But since they were so little, I didn’t cook them.
Cooking In The Forest – Cook Wild Mushroom
After swimming, I made a campfire and cooked rice. I forgot to bring my cooking utensils.
I tried to find bamboo to be used as a cooking pot, but to my surprise, there was no bamboo tree there. There was no pitcher plant (Nepenthes) either.
You can cook rice with pitcher plant if they are available. Unfortunately, all I could locate was an old can that was rusted and had holes. I do not recommend cooking food in rusted cans since it is harmful. However, in certain emergency cases, you might not have a choice.
Because the can was so rusty and had many holes, it was impossible to cook rice directly. Fortunately, I did have aluminum foil to separate the food from the can.
I had to find some tiny branches to cover the big hole in the bottom of the can. I then put the rice in aluminum foil and put it in the can. I’m thankful that it worked and the rice cooked perfectly.
It’s not a healthy way to prepare meals, but I have to eat. After all, I’m in the jungle and don’t have any cooking equipment.
That night I made a dish using the wild mushrooms I found nearby. The only food I had in the morning before leaving the house was a bun.
Build A Bushcraft Shelter
While waiting for the rice to cook, I built a simple bushcraft shelter. It was built for the purpose of protecting me and my things from the rain. It was not built for the purpose of a sleeping shelter.
Sleeping On Big Rock
I spent the whole night resting and sleeping on the big rock on top of the flowing stream. I slept for barely a few hours. This is because the atmosphere is chilly at night, particularly near the river.
I made a fire on the rock near where I slept to keep my body warm. This was my first night on the river without a blanket or other form of protection. The only item I used for sleeping was my own clothing.
Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous and crazy. However, this is what happens in real life when you get lost or forget to carry important equipment to the jungle.
Regardless, I felt at peace and pleased there. I considered myself quite fortunate to have had the chance to experience the beauty and calm of nature.
Sleeping without a bed, or even on a rock, isn’t a huge problem for me. I find it relaxing to embrace nature in this way.
However, I do not encourage anyone to wild camping by sleeping overnight on the rock especially if it is on top of the water or near the river due to safety reason. Sleep only if you are sure the place is safe, but always stay alert all the time, even when you are sleeping.
In the morning, around 6 a.m., I cleaned up and left for my next wild camping destination. It was a very meaningful experience for me.
At the same time, I learned to solve the unexpected problem of finding a container to cook with while in the forest. I am finding a lot of fun improving my Malaysian bushcraft and survival skills.